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From 1 - 10 / 871
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    This is an interpolated grid of Pb-Pb μ (mu, 238U/204Pb) data from primarily ore-related rocks and minerals. The point data used for the interpolation is from the Pb-Pb dataset held in the Isotopic Atlas as of February 2021. Point data added to the Isotopic Atlas after February 2021 is not represented in this grid. The grid was generated with Esri's ArcMap Spatial Analyst interpolation tool using the Natural Neighbor algorithm and 0.01 degree cell size. Two classifications are provided for this grid; a Jenks natural breaks classification with ten classes (classification 1) as per Champion (2013) http://pid.geoscience.gov.au/dataset/ga/77772, and; the same seven-class interval binning and colour scheme applied to the source point data in the Pb-Pb Isotope Data layer (classification 2).

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    IGSN ANDS sample data.

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    Mcarthur Basin WR Geochem

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    This layer contains data on ore reserves and mineral resources, their commodity grades, and their locations. PLEASE NOTE: The attribute names in this layer have been modified. This may break applications and other clients with dependencies on the service. For further information please contact Geoscience Australia Client Services at clientservices@ga.gov.au.

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    22km depth slice from the northern Australia AusLAMP resistivity model.

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    The Field Observations (FieldObs) database stores observations and measurements of rocks collected by the Geological Survey of NSW. Includes location information, stratigraphic unit, links to mineral occurrence and drill hole data, photo and sketch captions, structural measurements and observations, lithology and rock descriptions, sample collection information, and petrophysical measurements (magnetic susceptibility, radioelement and density).